The Bears have been stirring in the woods of Pennsylvania and you are about to partake in the product of their madness...

Nut Brittle specially crafted pound by pound; individually hand-mixed & stirred. It's loaded with nuts, lots and lots of nuts. And not just any nuts. Choose from Peanut, Spanish peanut, Almond, and of course Cashew. It's brittle, but not too brittle. It's just brittle enuf...

Papa bear (he's in charge of the scale) was out in the berry patch just a little too long one day and forgot to adjust the bear scale (weighin' bears can be tricky) we ended up with    18 ounces in a pound instead of your usual old 16 ounces. Folks kinda liked it, cause they got more. So we're stickin' with it.

Have you ever wanted something special to top your favorite ice cream or dessert? Well look no further because you have found it. Goldust is the aftermath of breaking the brittle. Luscious little flakes and chunks of brittle with bits of nuts mingled throughout; bundled in a neat little sack. It's a bag of goldust. Try it in one of your favorite dessert recipes or, of course, the Bears will be offering special recipes. Watch for them soon! All 4 flavors are available.

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